Monday 19 May, 2008

when power becomes spirit

When power becomes spirit the divine soul within, reaches its
apotheosis. The hymn of hate the heart had crooned until then
transcends to a symphony of love. The cacophony of the cranium's
boredom ballad dies out. The power of perception is resurrected. The
dormant innate energies stored in the annals of memory once again
start flowing with gusto. The soul regains it alchemy. It feeds on the
elixir of life that the universe is so abundant with. It reaches the
destiny of its journey to the centre of its universe. There is an
emergenre of the ultimate Insurrection by the soul against the
pre-conditioned mind. The soul exalts only in the Power of being
itself and nothing else.

1 comment:

mukta gaikwad said...

The power of perception is resurrected...There is an
emergence of the ultimate Insurrection by the soul against the
pre-conditioned mind....i love it..and u too...