Sunday 7 June, 2009

Life's Whispers

To reconcile with your own beliefs, after you have drifted away from it, is so difficult. When life teaches you a lesson and you refuse to learn from it life decides to screw you up a second time. And this time the screwing is 'Big Time'. A corny cliché, but it explains a lot. Your mind is plagued by your stupidities and to cover them up you end up adding more stupidities. Self pity slowly fucks the hell out of you. But what gives room to all this? Dishonesty. Yes. As much as I hate to say it, it is dishonesty with yourself. Expectation is just a garb to hide the dishonesty within. To clean up the dishonesty first the expectations need to be burned. But expectations are not that easy to burn. When they first creep into your minds they get bound and coiled on your thoughts and actions. Making you a slave to the whims of those on whom you have rested your expectations. Be it friends, job or your own achievements. And to free yourself from the slavery you need to become a master to your desires. This is the key. Mastering your desires will clear the muddy waters you are swimming in. It allows you to think and act rationally. It reveals one of the essential truths of existence—survival of the fittest. Once you realize this your expectations becomes insignificant. You get the superhuman ability to laugh at your own self. You see life beyond mere emotions and bonds and idiotic rat-races. You begin to regain a kind of zeal for life that only children possess. You want to do things only to please yourself and unknowingly you are actually spreading happiness.