Saturday 12 April, 2008


The sepia memories, flood inside the head, of a life filtered and pure. Of a child washing his hands in cold water in the scorching heat. Of school and homework and punishment. Of laughter and first crush. Of cousins and summer holidays. Of ideals and dreams. Of ambitions and planning. Of small achievements and big talks. Hmmm why do these memories keep recurring sometimes as dreams and sometimes as a longing? A dream that can never be true again and a desire that cannot be satisfied.

once again...let go!!!

Stupidity revealed. Once again, fell victim to my greatest enemy. Who? Yup, the same old little vermin inside me that makes me crawl begging for some pity and love. The Creator himself must have winced at the sight and wondered, “Hey where have stuff like self esteem and pride gone. Didn’t I infuse every human being with at least a small pinch of it?” Yeah, yeah but gods must be crazy. The organs in the body maybe in right proportions but the ratio between head and heart ain’t always. Oh well who wants to believe this piece of crap. I bet there are many of them out there who want to. Things in life are sometimes so simple that it’s the sheer simplicity that makes it even more complex. Let go boy! Because it doesn’t make a difference whether I do or I don’t. The last time I wrote under the same kinda title I wrote something about those I consider close to me and blah, blah…Shit! A lightening has just struck me I can’t see them anymore.