Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The whims of a breeze

A lonely wildflower atop a faraway hill swaying to the whims of a stray breeze in an otherwise placid environment. There was nothing else the flower could hang on to resist the breeze. So, sway it did to the whims of the breeze. What was the point of existence of a lonely flower in the middle of nowhere? It was hard for anyone to understand but not for the wildflower. Maybe the wildflower didn't get the point of existence but it did make a point to remain in existence. So, remain it did fighting against the whims of the breeze. The unnerving placidity of the hill, the not so friendly, neighbouring trees, and the sinister breeze increased the loneliness of the wildflower. But the flower was determined to battle against all odds. So, battle it fought, alone,  against the whims of the breeze.

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