Monday 16 February, 2009

The Tribe of WeAreCoolisstan

I work in the numero uno company of India Inc. A company, that was at the helm during the IT revolution in India. (I am not saying all this to praise myself. Not that I don’t praise myself. I do. And I wish I can, right now, about so many other things but that can wait. And anyway there is nothing proud in being a vegetable among other assortments of exotic vegetables in this revolutionary place. So now you know I am not praising myself. ) So let’s assume the obvious that the best always hires the best. Now coming to the point, I am here to write about this hired “best”.

The Best can be segregated into a variety of categories. But I would like to form three categories (the common denominator for all being that they are intelligent and bright engineers). One, the civilized and the classy. Two, the uncivilized and the unsophisticated junglees (I don’t blame them more than the circumstances they have been through for being in this state). And finally three, those who border in between the first and the third. I had no choice but to come up with this third category because I failed utterly in placing them in either of the first two categories. So, to be technically right I will not call them a category but a tribe.

The confusion arose because these tribal people at first sight look like as if they belong to the first category. But only when you approach them you will realize that they are tribal. They will perform rituals like chanting “We are so cool.” Their language and activities are also distinctly tribal. They will not allow you to be a part of their tribe. They don’t do it intentionally but they do it because they can’t understand the language of the higher category. They detest the junglee category and don’t allow members from that category intentionally. But the junglees can defect into the tribe if they work a little hard to pretend they are from the first category. But the thing that is in favour of the tribe is the sheer numbers they exist in. Nearly, 47% are from the tribe alone.

This makes it even more difficult to access the first category. Especially if you are from a place which too had junglees , and want to desperately get out from their clutches. You end up meeting the tribe. The illusion of tribe is so powerful that you are easily fooled into thinking they are from the First category and hence shake hands with them. And once the handshaking is done you are doomed to be part of the tribe. Even after you realize your folly you can’t do much. If you break free from them and still don’t find the first category you will not be accepted into the tribe with the same warmth. You will become the outsider and a misfit. I am currently the outsider and the misfit (God bless me. Amen! ) So I am requesting you to be aware of the tribe of WeAreCoolistan. It’s dangerous. But if you are a junglee then I request you to please go and read Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin.

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