Tuesday 5 August, 2008

Candy's Story: Part 4

Candy's story cannot be complete without Aperture's story being told. Because Candy became Aperture’s world entire. With her he laughed like a kid. Wept like a child. And complained worse than a mid-wife would. He began to see more than his reflections in Candy. He saw the lost him inside her. Her honesty was like a magnet. In the world where Aperture lived then, honesty, intellect and companionship were lost in its madness, mediocrity, and complete idleness. Aperture had recently lost the love of his life and the emotional stagnation further destroyed his belief and goodness. Candy became his lighthouse. He adored her and loved her in the way he loved his own self. In their journey, they together explored the uncharted paths of each others psyche. For Aperture imagined this to be his salvation from the scum he was surrounded with but as time would tell this was not be. In his euphoria he did not realize that there is always a stretch of sea to traverse before one can reach the lighthouse and the treachery of the sea is never foreboding. But for the time being Candy and Aperture were like infants in the hands of what later came to be known as the Sacred Friendship.

to be continued...

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